First off, this post was inspired by the confusion of a friend who will not be named. But anyway, a lot of people seem to feel conflicted as to how they feel towards a certain someone. "Do I like him...?" some may ask. Well stop right there. Thinking about it isn't going to tell you if you like someone. If you like someone, you're going to feel differently around them than you do around anyone else. You'll get butterflies in your stomach. You'll end up saying something stupid. You'll find yourself staring. You just won't feel... Normal! That's how you'll know you like that person! Once you find out what you're actually feeling, you can proceed with thinking about what made you conflicted, because chances are, there's something you can't overlook. Now sometimes, this imperfection doesn't matter, like if the person bites his nails or twirls her hair. It's not a big deal. But, if she tends to be mean or he seems somewhat careless, you may want to just walk away. Whether you like this person or not, he/she probably isn't worth your time if you're overlooking a big thing. Bottom line, stop overthinking things. You're going to feel how you're going to feel, so just go with your instinct. As Hunter Hayes says, "Put aside the math and the logic. You've gotta know you want it too."
You said this was about a nameless friend **cough cough** but it sounds more like you and a certain wonder boy with some of it...