Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bully-Free Zone? I Think Not!

Okay, I'm not sure if it's just at my school, but most of the teachers do nothing when bullying is at hand.  Oh sure, they have their sad attempt at stopping it by putting up signs in the hallway that say "stop bullying," but uh, newsflash! Words on a wall are MEANINGLESS to a bully because that sign won't prevent anything once they've hurt someone. That's when teachers have to pry themselves away from the computer (yeah that's right, we're not the only ones with an internet problem!) and actually penalize that person, otherwise he or she is going to continue victimizing students. Teachers want their students to respect them, but if they're going to be bystanders, then what's there to respect? And I'm not accusing all teachers of doing nothing, because there are some that do try to help, but unless everyone works together, nothing can be solved. I mean, if one teacher is way too relaxed and the other actually does crack down on bullies, students are going to be left confused as to which teacher's rules they should be following.

Now don't think us students are innocent, because we're definitely not. Some of us are usually the bullies, and a lot of us tend to be the bystanders. I will openly admit that in the beginning of this school year and before that, I was normally a bystander, but then I started to really notice how awful we were treating each other. Actually, a lot of my friends are victims of bullying, which is another thing that gave me a kick in the butt to start taking action. I'm happy to say that I have called out a bully or two, but there are some situations where you honestly can't do anything. For example, when some jock who thinks he's better than everyone walks up to a geek and says "Hey *name*." Did he say anything wrong? No. But I'm sure that behind the simple greeting, he meant it to sound snobby. Now when this happens, I always want to say somethig to the effect of "Would you just leave him alone??" but, then that could make me the bully in that certain scenario, which is not what I want to happen.

No one is innocent. I'm sure we've all been on both sides of the bullying, victim or jerk, at some point in our lives. But, it's only those who have realized whatever wrong they've done is actually
wrong that, at least I, can respect. So, if you want you continue being a bystander or a bully, then go on without me, and whoever else came to the realization of "Hey, I'm a jerk!" because we're not going to stand for it anymore.


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